Sunday, 27 November 2016

Islamic Union: Need to take hasty decision

‘Islamic Union’ This idea is not recent idea. Jamal Uddin Al Afghani thought it was a long time ago. Now a days many contemporary philosophers think that the future of the Islamic world has a direct bearing on world peace and security, for it is potentially a serious power. Approximately one-fourth of humanity follows Islam, their lands contain rich natural resources, and the entire region has a great strategic importance.

Islamic Union will provide considerable benefits to Muslim Ummah. For those that are desperate for technological as well as economic development, the foremost step toward stability is the creation of a central organization or, in other words, a unified Islamic world under the auspices of the Islamic Union.

Economic Development and Increasing Prosperity
Economic cooperation is necessary on two counts: stability and development. Muslim nations must bring stability and solidity to their economies. Developing industries and making the required investments is vital, as is the need for a comprehensive development plan and the simultaneous development of education, economy, culture, science, and technology. While various sectors are developed technologically, the labor force's educational levels and standards must be raised accordingly. Society must be motivated to become more productive, and the resulting economic cooperation will play a major role in eradicating poverty, illiteracy, the unjust distribution of wealth, and other socioeconomic problems rampant in Muslim countries. This partnership can be formed only by the creation of free trade zones, customs unions, and common economic areas.

Mutual cooperation among Muslims, part of the Islamic code, must be adhered to by all Muslims, for Allah commands people to refrain from avarice and to guard the needy and support one another. In fact, destitute people have a due share of the believers' wealth (Qur'an, 51:19).

As the Qur'an proclaims: Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make oaths that they will not give to their relatives, the very poor, and those who have migrated in the way of Allah. Rather, they should pardon and overlook. Would you not love God to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 24:22)

He who has plenty should spend from his plenty, but he whose provision is restricted should spend from what God has given him. Allah does not demand from anyone more than He has given it. God will appoint ease after difficulty. (Qur'an, 65:7)

Our Lord also reveals that believers are one another's guardians (Qur'an, 9:71). The word "guardian" conveys such meanings as friend, helper, mentor, and protector. It also expresses the importance of cooperation and solidarity between Muslim nations. The cooperation that will arise from this fraternal awareness between Muslim nations will bring prosperity and wealth to Muslims and eradicate poverty, an important problem of the Islamic world. Societies that follow the Qur'an's values will not experience famine, destitution, and poverty. Muslims will develop their nations by following rational and long-term policies, establishing good relations with other nations and people, valuing trade and development, and learning from other cultures' experiences. This was so in history and, Allah willing, under the Islamic Union's leadership it will be so once again.

The establishment of peace and security
Instability does not affect a given region alone; rather, it has a negative impact on the world as a whole. The Islamic world is one such region. Therefore, Muslim nations should not be considered as separate and independent entities. 

• Peace would enable each country to reduce military expenditures and divert financial resources to wealth-creation in society. As all Muslim countries would be members of the joint defense pact, they would achieve greater security and stronger defenses with a smaller budget. Investments now being made in the arms industry and technology could be channeled into educational, scientific, and cultural development. 

• Present instability and conflicts in the Islamic world cause many of the region's doctors, engineers, academics, scientists, thinkers, and writers to migrate to the West, where they continue their work, for they do not feel secure in their home countries. Research reveals that this migration from Arab countries has cost the Islamic world $200 billion. In fact, 450,000 of these migrants are college or university graduates.24 An environment of peace will eliminate internal tensions and end this migration. As a result, the work and skills of highly educated individuals will primarily benefit Muslims.

• Peace also will enable Muslim nations to share their accumulated knowledge and expertise, combine their forces in every area, and help one another deal with their shortcomings. As a result, these nations will become far more effective in pursuing their national development plans.

• Economic development will gain momentum. At present, there are many disputes among Muslim nations, especially those involving borders, which only intensify economic problems. For instance, the source of the difficulties experienced in transporting and exporting trade goods is unsafe transport routes. This also is true for water, which is a major cause of conflict in the Middle East. Such conflicts could be resolved if Muslim countries would cooperate and resolve their disputes peacefully.

• Differences of culture and ethnicity will become a rich resource in an environment of peace, one that is characterized by tolerance and dialogue. People will be more open-minded and productive, and such a diverse cultural mix will enable the rise of a new civilization.

• Peace also will strengthen Muslims living outside of the traditional Islamic world. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in many non-Muslim countries. If these ethnically diverse groups of Muslims unite, they will further the spread of Islam and enable themselves to make a stronger cultural impression on their societies. The effectiveness of individual efforts made by small and separate Muslim communities is incomparable to the combined intellectual efforts made by a united alliance. Muslims of course will preserve their national identities; however, they will become a much stronger force if they act as one body guided by Islamic awareness and morality.

• A peaceful Islamic world will become a model for other countries, and existing conflicts will be resolved peacefully according to the example set by the Islamic world. Muslims will be living examples of finding peace and security when the Qur'an's values are practiced. In addition, they will bear witness to the fact that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. Peace in the Islamic world might even guide many people to Islamic morality.

Rebuilding a Spectacular Civilization
With the establishment of the Islamic Union, peace and security will take hold, economic problems will be resolved, and a massive cultural advancement will take place, for there will be growing budgets for education, science, and culture. In this way, Muslims will build a new civilization that will serve as a role model for the rest of the world. Practicing the unity and solidarity commanded by the Qur'an will cause its values to have a direct impact upon all Muslims' everyday life, art, decoration, fashion, medicine, science, and technology. Friendship and fraternal feelings will prosper, peace and order will rule social life, people will find more time to reflect and conduct research, and they will be more free-thinking and open-minded when they do so. Environments free of chaos, destitution, and troubles are places in which new ideas take shape, new products emerge, beneficial inventions are made, and continuing progress is achieved. The Islamic Union will create such an environment throughout the Islamic world.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Will anyone help the Rohingya people?

The Rohingya are ethnic, linguistic and peace loving minority group who belongs to Arakan state and faced persecution by its own government and its sponsored group several times. Due to which they fled to Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Malaysia and many more countries since decades due to state sponsored violence.

Rohingya people are suffering around the world. Over two million have become stateless and refugees to other countries because of persecution in Myanmar, especially the conflict happened in 2012. Rohingya  people have been forced to leave their country in record numbers who are in the condition of beggars for seeking safety in other countries to be able to save their future with well living in the hope of building up of their family life.

During the violence and attack on people in Arakan State of Myanmar in 2012, thousands of Rohingya left the country while many of them were killed and most of the women were raped by human traffickers on the way to Malaysia, especially in Thai human trafficking camps. Most of the people were also arrested in Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Malaysia. A few have got release with the help of UNHCR. But, a few of them were able to go to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Unfortunately, most of them were arrested in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia whereas some are missing.

Still, their families are crying with dreams and hopes of getting good information. As the world people know, Myanmar government is still carrying on persecution on Arakanese Rohingya in the form of an ethnic cleansing. Besides, people are also suffering in prisons in Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who have been sentenced to jail for one, two or three years for no crime other than seeking asylum. Actually, rohingya people did not wish to leave their community and their country. Nevertheless, they only fled to other countries because of avoiding unbearable and inhumane persecutions of Myanmar government.

Even though Rohingya are indigenous in Myanmar, we are made stateless with increasingly daily persecution in our country. We are scattered all over the word but we do not involve in any criminal activities and are not trying to harm or degrade any community. I always grieve for my people. It is a shame for those countries where helpless people are neglected, hated and persecuted.

Rohingya people are deprived of human rights both in Myanmar and Bangladesh. They are not recognized as citizens of Myanmar which is their own land .The ethnic minority group in Myanmar are not only victim of communal or racial, but also state sponsored violence. They have no rights of formal education in Myanmar and as well as other countries where they fled to. And moreover many remained unregistered as refugees in Bangladesh and many other countries as well.The non- registered Rohingya refugee cannot engage in any business or retail, cannot work legally and cannot be employed due to their lack of citizenship or international refugee rights and documentation.

Due to persecution in Arakan they have started their movement to Bangladesh before nearly twenty four years ago. According to UNHCR, there are almost 25000 Rohingya people in Bangladesh but only 30000 people in Kutupalong and Nayapara camp of Cox’sBazar are registered refugees. UNHCR has not been permitted to register newly arriving Rohingya since mid-1992. The vast majority of Rohingya are living in villages and towns in the area and receive little or no assistance as UNHCR is only allowed to assist those who are registered. Those who have born in Bangladesh before 18 years can be given citizenship right. But it has become a burden for Bangladesh. Bangladesh is an over populated country.So giving citizenship right to all Rohingya people may not be possible. But Bangladesh should give them the Refugee right according to the UNHCR convention of 1951 from humanitarian appeal that provides basic human rights for Refugees. But Bangladesh has not signed yet to UNHCR convention of 1951.

Bangladesh is providing citizenship right and minority right to the all ethnic minor people and they have their own culture, identity, language, religion etc. They are got extra privileges (quota) form the government in university job, government job etc. But Myanmar is depriving the Rohingya people for their own self-centered objectives. Buddhist extremism in Myanmar against Muslim is a revealed fact. Following that Bangladesh as well as international community need to focus their attention to ensure citizenship right and human rights of Rohingya people in Myanmar and to repatriate Rohingya people in Myanmar from Bangladesh.

Rohingya people are in poverty, lack of quality food, education, health care etc. in Bangladesh. Bangladesh government, UNHCR and other organizations are helping the registered 30000 Rohingya people in Kutupalong and Nayapara camp. But financial and food help to the people is not sustainable strategy. If they have freedom to take higher education, to work, to involve in business they could have develop themselves in a better way. Citizenship right is one of the basic rights for a human being. Without a citizenship and legal documentation, this whole minority group became deprived and barricaded to education, employment, business, free movement etc. If it is not possible to repatriate Rohingya people in Myanmar, Bangladesh needs to implement practical solution for the survival and development of the people. Following international human rights as humans, they should not be kept in exploited and inhuman situation for long time. Bangladesh must permit UNHCR to register all Rohingyas to ensure their human rights as refugee. If all the Rohingya people are registered as refugee, national and international organization can help them and can work for their upcoming development and improvement.

1. Rohingya Vision 
2. UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency

Monday, 22 August 2016

Family Statement on the Arrest of Ex-Brigadier General Amaan Azmi

 On Monday, 22nd August, at 8pm, more than thirty plainclothes men claiming to be from the Detective Branch of the Bangladesh Police stormed our family residence in the Moghbazar area of the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, and seized our brother, Abdullahil Amaan Azmi.

No warrant was provided by the officers, and no cause of arrest was expressed. No official acknowledgement of his arrest has yet been made, without which there are credible fears for a possible extrajudicial abduction, the latest in a string of such abductions that have targeted family members of opposition leaders.

The officers cordoned off the whole street before breaking down the door and forcibly entering the family home, blindfolding the caretaker and severely beating him until he fell unconscious. Our 83-year-old mother, Amaan's wife and his youngest children, both under the age of four, were in the house at the time. Other members of the household were assaulted and his wife was threatened with arrest. 

Amaan is our only sibling and the only child of our father, the late Professor Ghulam Azam, to currently reside in Bangladesh. A former decorated Brigadier General in the Bangladesh Army with 30 years of exemplary service to his name, he was neither a politician, nor charged with any illegal activity whatsoever. He lived at our family home caring for our elderly mother. As the only male member of the household, he was the guardian of our family there.

This has left the family deeply traumatized and fearful for the safety of our brother and our family. We call for the respect and observance of due process and the rule of law. We call for Abdullahil Amaan Azmi's immediate release and safe return to his family, or for police to produce him swiftly before court in accordance with due process. 

For press enquiries please contact 
Dr Salman Al-Azami

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Locality of foreboding is Jhenaidah: Student killing one after another

The current scenario of Bangladesh is the pictorial representation of how a country without democracy can be. The illegitimate Awami League-led government has set up a realm of terror by curtailing freedom of speech, logging false cases, arresting the opponents, taking them on remand and murder as well as forced disappearance. The corpses of the political opponents are being found here and there. The state-sponsored targeted killing under the name of crossfire is increasing day by day. Sometimes in Satkhira, sometimes in Gaibandha and at times in Jhenaidah, innocent blood is being spilled. In some places, such killing has turned into genocide.
Countless mothers are being bereaved everyday:
Firstly the victims get arrested by policemen in white and a few days later, their corpses are being discovered someplace. This situation is a now a commonplace in Bangladesh. Mothers are being bereaved of their sons by the whimsical government who are real mad for power and these brutal murders are committed by their registered law enforcers almost everyday. The thirst of the oppressive government for blood is increasing day by day. People of different professions including university faculty, students, businessmen, service holders, theologians and the ordinary mortals in general fall prey to the killing mission of the government. According to different human rights reports, 193 or more have been killed extra-judicially only in the year 2015 and out of them, 143 were killed by the law enforcement agency personnel in the name of crossfire. Most of the victims belong to the Opposition parties. The question arising in everyone’s mind is that why such high rate of extra-judicial killing is in an independent and sovereign country like Bangladesh. How much more innocent blood is this heinous killing mission yet to spill? When will this genocidal brutality stop?
Jhenaidah: A place or record-breaking brutality
Mother came out hearing the agonizing cry of the son and saw him in handcuffs amid two persons on motor bikes who seized her son so tightly. Mother did not understand what was really happening but hugged her son. She asked the strangers- “Where are you taking my son?” and beseeched them to leave her son. But their heart did not melt by her appeal and they left with her son having introduced themselves as members of the law enforcement agency. Afterwards, the body of her son shot dead is found on last 12 April after long 26 days of tracelessness. Such incidents are happening on everyday basis in Jhenaidah.
27 people were abducted by people introducing as DB (Detective Branch) cops over last 2 to 3 years in Jhenaidah and out of those abducted, dead bodies of 24 are found. Most recently, corpses of four talented students named Hafez Jasim Uddin, Abu Zar Gifari, Shamim Mahmud and Mohiuddin Sohan. Three people with names Aiyub, Azad Hosen and Mofazzal Hosen are still traceless. Under such circumstances, the whole district has become a locality of extreme horror and foreboding. Many eyewitnesses are not willing to unfold the details of all these abductions and forced disappearances being apprehensive about the aftermath though all these nasty incidents are taking place in broad daylight. The government is not taking into account the outburst of protest and demonstration over these genocidal murders. No killers are yet brought to justice.
Post-arrest denial by cops and killing people by bereaving their mothers:
The latest few events of the sequential killings and enforced disappearances are the following-
- Hafez Jashim Uddin was taken to unknown places by personnel introducing as DB cops on 12 February 2016 and shot dead in the dead of night, on the 3rd March, after long 21 days of enforced disappearance.
- Abu Hurairah, a Madrasah teacher of Kutidurgapur in Jhenaidah, was arrested from his workplace by DB cops on 29th February 2016 and, after 36 days, his corpse was found beside the Chougacha road in Jessore.
- On last 18 March 2016, after Friday prayer, 4 personnel with Policemen’s identity snatched Abu Zar Gifari from the hold of his mother and he was shot to death on 12 April, after 26 days of enforced disappearance, at night.
- Likewise, Shamim Mahmud was shot dead at midnight on 12 April, 17 days after he was taken to unknown places by policemen on 25th March 2016.
- Soon after the murder of Abu Zar and Shamim, Another meritorious student named Mohiuddin Sohan was shot dead on 20th April 2016, 9 days after he was arrested by policemen on 10 Aril.
The surprising matter is that when inquired about the arrestees by their families, the concerned police personnel straightforwardly denied their arrest. Even no GD (General Diary) was filed in favor of the victims and even no rescue activities were launched to search for their whereabouts. Worries were triggered over post-arrest denial of detention by the Police and not producing the arrestees before the court of law. Statements of worries demanding the traces of the detainees were also issued by their families and those statements were published in different mass media. The families of the victims went to the law enforcement personnel and other high-ups but all these attempts were of no avail. Everything happened sequentially. Firstly the victims got arrested. Then they fell prey to enforced disappearance. Then the policemen denied their arrest and detention. Finally their bodies shot dead were discovered here and there.
Who are carrying out these genocidal atrocities?
All murders are identical. Eyewitnesses confirmed arrestors of College student Sohan as S.I. Nirob and A.S.I. Nasir. These things prove that the killings are premeditated and masterminded directly by the Police administration. But can the police department carry out such a genocidal plot independently of the governmental endorsements? Now it is clear as the daylight view that the Police are committing killings one after another in light of the government instructions. One day, the people currently at the helm must pay the price for every drop of blood they are spilling.
Urge to the conscientious countrymen:
The whole of Jhenaidah has turned into a realm of terror due to murders one after another. The people with different political ideas are being killed in the dead of night in the so-called shoot-outs only out of political envy and such killing is a sign of genocide and a clear violation of human rights. The government is not heeding the suo moto rule issued by the higher judiciary of the country to stop extra-judicial killings. We demand that this genocidal killing must stop without further delay and all the policemen killers of ashim Uddin, Abu Zar Gifari, Shamim Mahmud, Mohiuddin Sohan and all the other victims must be arrested following a proper probe and brought to book.
We call on all the intellectuals, human rights watchdogs, journalists and people of all spheres to project their voice against the criminal misdeeds of the current monstrous government. Moreover, we further urge all national and international human rights organizations including the United Nations to undertake necessary steps to stop genocidal killings in Bangladesh.
Publicized by: Conscientious Students of Bangladesh

Monday, 4 April 2016

Triumphant Minister of Industries Maulana Nizami

As a result of restructuring of the Ministry of Agriculture and huge success in that ministry, in 22 may 2003 the former prime minister of Bangladesh Khaledia Zia assigned Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami to Ministry of Industries to revive and accelerate the rundown and controversial industries sector. As for the Ministry of Agriculture, Maulana Nizami also took initiatives to speed up and modernize the Ministry of Industries. Some of his success stories are highlighted below:–

Introduction of New Industries Policy
A new industries policy was introduced in 2005 for the development of the industries sector.
Pic: Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia offers prayers after inaugurating tannery industries city in Dhaka on 15 February 2005. Next to her, Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami

SME Policy Strategy Taken Up
The SME Policy Strategy was taken up in 2005 for prompt development of small and medium sized industries.

Growth in the Industries Sector Reached to 10.45 per cent
In the fiscal year 2001–2002 the growth rate for the industries sector was 5.49 per cent which reached to 10.45 per cent in the fiscal year 2005–2006.

Freely Distribution of Fertilizers
In the last five years, uninterrupted production, import and distribution of fertilizers were ensured.

Two New Fertilizers Factory Established
To meet the demands of mixed fertilizers in the country, two new fertilizer factories of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP–1) and Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP–2) were established in Chittagong with the daily production capacity of four hundred metric tons.

Opening Closed Industries
Closed caustic chlorine plant of Karnaphuli Paper Mills (KPM), Khulna hardboard mills and Rangpur sugar mill were reopened.

Setting up Industries City: A Revolutionary Step
In order to improve the environment of Dhaka city the tannery industries of Hazaribagh was moved to Savar where a new tannery industries city was set up. In addition to that, plans were taken to set up separate pharmaceuticals industries, plastic industries and automobile workshop cities.

Approx. Tk.70 Crore Profit in Sugar Industries
Bangladesh Sugar & Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) in the sugarcane cultivation season of the year 2005–2006 made Tk.70 crore of profit for the second time in the last 17 years.

Employment Generation for One Lac 32 Thousand Three Hundred 75 Persons
BSCIC generated employments for one lac 32 thousand three hundred 75 person including 90 thousand two hundred 97 persons in small industries sector and 42 thousand in the cottage industries the year 2005–2006.

Increased Export Income from Small and Cottage Industries Sectors
BSCIC industries units produced products worth 11 thousand 39 crore taka in the fiscal year 2004–2005, and among them products worth three thousand six hundred crore were exported.

Salt Production: Highest Record so far
Against the demand of 11 lac metric ton salt in the country, 15 lac 75 thousand metric tons of salt was produced in the year 2005–2006 exceeding the local demand which is the highest record so far.

Modernization of BSTI: An Initiative Praised by All Quarters
The country-wide campaign anti-adulteration drive is strengthened in order to prevent duplicate products and adulteration under the auspices of BSTI which was greeted by all irrespective of political differences. In order to strengthen and modernize BSTI a project was implemented.

Formation of Food Fortification Alliance
In order to enrich flour and edible oil with vitamin A, Bangladesh Food Fortification Alliance was formed.

Formation of National Accreditation Board
National Accreditation Board was formed in order to receive recognition of different international standardization and certification authorities for different Bangladeshi products, industries and services and to prevent adulteration and duplicate products.

Preservation of Patent: A Constructive Step
In order to preserve national patents, the current patent office and trademarks registry office has been merged and new patent, design and trademarks department has been formed.

Productions in Various Organizations: Reaching the Target
In the last fiscal year 2005–2006, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC), Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC), and Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) produced beyond their targets.

This is how he spent three years in Minister of Industries serving the people thorough transparency, accountability and efficiency giving his fullest intelligence and abilities. But now he is incarcerated into the four walls of prison because of heinous political vengeance.

‪#‎FreeNizami‬ ‪#‎FreeJamaatLeaders‬ ‪#‎StopJudicialKilling‬ ‪#‎Bangladeh #SaveBangladesh 

Monday, 28 March 2016

28 October, 2006: A case study of the violent politics of the Awami League

written by: Talukder Shaheb, blog

At the end of BNP-Jamaat-led alliance government’s tenure (2001-2006), the 13th Amendment to the Bangladesh Constitution required the president to offer the position of the Chief Adviser to the immediate past Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was to be Justice K.M. Hasan, soon after the tenure of the government expires on October 28, 2006. The then main opposite party Awami League (AL) opposed Justice Hasan, alleging that he belonged to the then ruling BNP. Awami League launched country-wide blockade and general strike to stop Mr. Justice K M Hasan taking the oath of the chief of the caretaker government.
Sheikh Hasina, the President of Awami League, called her party activists to march to Dhaka with oars and sticks to take control of the streets of the capital. From a rally held on 18th September 2006 at the Paltan ground in the the capital, Sheikh Hasina instructed her party activists to come to Dhaka with oars, logs, and sticks:
“you [the people] be ready and come to Dhaka from villages, upazilas and districts with oars, rowing poles and with whatever you have when I will call you,” Hasina instructed her coalition activists urging to build a resistance against the following caretaker government.1 Following her call, her party activists gathered in the city sparking the violence of October 28.2
Chronology of events
On the eve of October 28, 2006, the then Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia addressed the nation on the evening of October 27th. On the following day, October 28th, a feeling of fear prevailed across the country as Awmi league threatened to massive blockade if Justice K M Hasan was not offered for the post of the chief advisor to the caretaker government.
The activists of the then opposition alliance led by Awami League took to the streets, started setting fire in the markets, set vehicles ablaze and clashed with the BNP and Jamaat activists, and even with the law enforcers. Hundreds of Awami League activists carrying bamboo poles and oars paraded most city roads, chanting slogans against Khaleda Zia and Justice KM Hasan.3 The Awami League activists blocked almost all the city entry points in the morning and clashed with any procession of the BNP they saw.
The major violent incidents took place at the Paltan intersection, Shahbagh, Jatrabari and Mirpur in the capital.4Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami (BJI) arranged a pre-declared program at 3.00pm at Baitul Mukarram North gate in the capital to observe the day of power handover of the government. Another political meeting was arranged by Bangladesh Awami Legue at Paltan ground which was quite far from the Jamaat’s venue. At 11.00 am suddenly a procession started to throw bricks upon the activists of BJI and the students organisation Bangladesh Islami Chatrashibir (BICS). A rally led by AL leaders Hazi Selim and Dr. Iqbal passing by the Jamaat gathering, suddenly attacked the Jamaat meeting and started throwing bricks and sticks at the Jamaat workers.5 Even a number of big bombs were hurled by the AL men close to the stage as Jamaat Chief Matiur Rahman Nizami was at the tail end of his speech.6
Awami League activists used handmade bombs, arms, logs, oars and sticks in their indiscriminate attack on BJI and Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir (BICS). Due to this sudden attack, along with Jamat leaders Nurul Islam Bulbul, Josim Uddin, Mujahid and other activists were severely wounded and 5 of them died instantly. AL activists and cadres beat to death Jamaat activists with oars and sticks they were carrying. 7
Electronic media showed how inhumanly the Awami league men killed Shibir activist Mujahid by beating with sticks and oars. 8
The atmosphere at Dhaka Medical College Hospital was rendered heavy with the cries of the relatives of the injured and the dead activists of BJI and BICS. Hundreds of shocked relatives and party activists thronged to the hospital to see whether their relatives were among the dead and the injured. More than 400 of the injured were admitted to the hospital.9
The massacre of 28th October caused the tragic death of Shibir activist Mujahidul Islam, Golam Kibria Shipon, Jamaat activist from Lalbag, Habibur Rahman, Jamaat activist from Jurain, Jasimuddin, Jamaat activist Jasim (s/o Haji Anwarullah) and Abdullah Al Foysal from Siddhirganj. Later, on 5 November 2006, Saifullah Mahmud Masum died in hospital from severe wounds sustained on 28th October.
The violence of Awami League in 28th October 2006 was not limited to Dhaka only. On the same date Awami League men killed BJI activist Ruhul Amin in Gazipur, BJI activist Saber Hossain in Nilfamary, Arafat Hossain Sabuj in Magura, Abbas Ali in Meherpur and Jabid Ali in Satkhira.
At least 18 people were killed throughout the country by the “oars and logs” attack of Awami League and its allies.10 At least 1,000 were injured, many with bullets, in attacks by the activists of the AL led alliance.11 In Kurigram, Islami Chhatra Shibir activist Rafiqul Islam, wounded in a clash with the Awami League activists, died in a clinic at about 5:00pm.12
In Narsingdi, Hajipur union council chairman Saiful Islam, 33, also a local BNP leader, and his younger brother, Ripon, 28, died in a brutal attack of Awami league cadres at about 2:30pm. His elder brother, Mah-e-Alam, 42, cousin Shamim, 35, and supporters Hannan Sarkar, 33, and Elen Hossain, 32, were injured when they tried to save Saiful from the Awami league attackers. More than two dozen offices of the BNP and its front organizations were vandalized in the attacks of Awami league. In Chittagong, a toll collector of Shah Amanat Bridge, Abul Kalam, wounded in an attack by Awami League on Saturday morning, died in Chittagong Medical College Hospital at about 4:00pm.
Kalam and three others were wounded when the Awami league men, during a road blockade, attacked state minister Zafrul Islam at 11:30am. Zafrul somehow managed to escape the scene unhurt.13
Road communications between Dhaka and other areas remained snapped due to massive blockade by Awami League. Shops and business establishments were closed. Streets in towns and cities were deserted. Railway communications were also disrupted in many areas.14
Mujahidul Islam
Mujahidul Islam was a 3rd year student of BBA at Stamford University. He was the President of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir, Mirpur 10 unit of Dhaka. On 28 October 2006, Awami League activists killed Mujahid by beating with sticks and oars.15 They severly tortured him by indiscriminately beating him with blunt and sharp weapons on his hands, nose, legs, head, mouth. 14 party alliance activists killed Mujahid so cruelly, it brought to shame barbaric practices of the Dark Ages of the Medieval period.16 After ensuring Mujahid’s death, the killers danced on his dead body under broad day light.
Golam Kibria Shipon
Golam Kibira Shipon was a first year student of BSc in Physics in Dhaka College. He was a very brilliant student and a Hafez i.e. one who memorized the Holy Quran by heart. He had achieved distinction in his Higher secondary exam. Shipon was the president of 27 ward branch of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir, Dhaka south unit. He was brutally killed in similar fashion as Mujahid.
Saifullah M Masum
Saifullah M Masum was the youngest child of retired government employee Mahtab Uddin Ahmed and Shamsunnahar Rubi. On 28 October 2006, Awami League cadres hammered his whole body with bricks and sticks. After 5 days of struggle with death he succumbed to the injury and died on 2nd November 2006.
List of persons murdered in the 28 October clash in Paltan:
1Hossain Mohammad Mujahidul Islam22Student, Stamford University, President, BICS, Mirpur-10.D-23, Lalkuthi, Mirpur-10
2Golam Kibria Shipon21President, BICS, 27 Ward, Dhaka SouthBaganbari, Mothertake
3Saifullah M. Masum25Secretary, BICS, Word 27, DhakaBaganbari, Mothertake
4Md. Josim Uddin34BJI ActivistBakshibazar, Dhaka
5Md. Josim Uddin34BJI ActivistChandpur
6Md. Habibur Rahman40BJI ActivistShah Alibag, Mirpur, Dhaka
7Abdullah Al Foysal24BICS ActivistNarayangonj
8.Md. Rasel25Chatra Maitree ActivistDhaka

Those behind the massacre
Sheikh Hasina
Sheikh Hasina, the President of Awami League, called her party activists to march to Dhaka with oars and sticks to take control of the streets of the capital. From a rally held on 18th September 2006 at Paltan ground in the capital, Sheikh Hasina instructed her party members to come to Dhaka with oars, logs, and sticks:
“If our demands are not met, you [the people] be ready and come to Dhaka from villages, upazilas and districts with oars, rowing poles and with whatever you have when I will call you,” Hasina instructed her coalition activists urging to build resistance against the next caretaker government.17 Following her call, her party activists gathered in the city sparking the violence of October 28.18
Tofail Ahmed
“We will not only besiege the capital city but also the villages. Besides, we will also go for indefinite countrywide shutdown if our demands are no fulfilled,” Awami League presidium member Tofail Ahmed said on 19 October, a few days before the massacre of 28 October.19
Haji Selim and Dr. Iqbal
The violence of 28 October was started by two Awami League lawmakers Haji Selim and Dr. Iqbal. On 28 October at 11 a.m., a 14-party rally led by AL leaders Haji Selim and Dr. Iqbal passing by the Jamaat gathering, suddenly attacked the Jamaat meeting and started throwing bricks and attacked with sticks on the Jamaat supporters.20
After that, a number of big bombs were hurled by the Awami League men close to the stage as Jamaat Chief Matiur Rahman Nizami was at the tail end of his speech.21
Role of Administration
The killing of 28 were staged under broad day light in front of Police and other law enforcing agencies but they failed to take necessary measures of stop such political violence. The attack on BJI and BICS activists was initiated by AL at 11 a.m. and it continued till 5 p.m. and yet the law enforcing agencies did not come forward to save the victims of the brutality in Paltan and other places. Jamaat leaders repeatedly asked for help to the Home Minister22and Police authority for saving their lives but the administration did not respond to their appeal. The law enforcing agencies did not perform their legal duty to maintain peace and law and order situation.
Subsequently, three cases were filed by the families of the murdered persons and Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami (BJI). Jamaat leader ATM Sirajul Haq filed the case no. 61(29/10/2006) at Paltan police station. The police submitted charge-sheet upon investigating the case filed by BJI accusing 46 persons on 11 April 2007. In an order of court given on 23 April 2007 the case was sent for further investigation. After the Awami League led alliance came into power, they formed a committee under supervision of the ministry of Law to withdraw cases on political ground. Referring to the barbarous Paltan killing, the state minister for law Advocate Kamrul Islam declared that the cases filed at Paltan Police Station had been lodged to harass prime minister Sheikh Hasina and the cased were withdrawn upon government directives without hearing the plaintiffs and depriving the victims of justice.
Picture Gallery
The government should ensure the proper and immediate trial of the offences committed on 28 October 2006 in Dhaka and it must change its decision of withdrawal of the case filed by the victims in order to serve the people with proper administration of justice. The illegal practice of using violence and torture to suppress the political opponents must be stopped immediately by Awami League and all other political parties. The law enforcing agencies should not tolerate such violent political activities. Political leaders should not make any statement which may encourage the party activists to engage in any violent and illegal activity.
The civil society should raise their voice against the unacceptable attacks on the opponent political parties by Awami League and closely monitor whether any party is involved in any illegal practice to establish dominance and supremacy. The Civil society must make the people aware about the torture, violence and violation of human rights by any political party. Emphasis has to be put on building the culture of tolerance and the practice of participation in our national life.
International community must consider the issues of human rights violation and torture in the political arena while making any decision about their relation with Bangladesh.
Donor and rights agencies should ensure that no person is tortured or murdered only for political identity, and that all people get equal protection of law from the state.
1. Hasina asks all to enforce blockade Wednesday,
3. A city of siege, a day of panic,
4. Ibid.
7. Daily Star, October 29, 2006,
9. A city of siege, a day of panic,
12. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
16. Daily Ittefaq, 29.10.06
17. Hasina asks all to enforce blockade Wednesday,

Successful Minister of Agriculture Maulana Nizami

In 2001 The four-party alliance formed the government after winning the parliamentary election with an overwhelming two-thirds majority. Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami assumed the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture of the government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He set a unique example of in reforming the corruption-laden ministry and by executing various development oriented activities as well as service to the nation. The following parts highlight some of the activities of Maulana Nizami as the

Minister of Agriculture:–
Food Production: Increased by 7 lac Metric Tonn
Despite the fact that one lac 24 thousand hectare of lands of crops was devastated by flood and cyclones in the year 2001–2002, but the production of Boro paddy increased by 7 lac metric tonn compared to the year 2000–2001.

House of Farmer a Farmhouse: Epoch-making Programme by Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami
The then Minister of Agriculture Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami took up a programme called “house of farmer is a farmhouse” with the aim of meeting the demands of own nutrition by turning every household of farmers into a farmhouse, ensuring extra income and self-dependence. The practice exists to date.

Strengthening the Seeds Wing of BADC: A Unite Decision
To meet the local demands of high quality seeds, the then Minister of Agriculture Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami took up an effective initiative to increase the amount of base seeds and licensed seeds by BADC.

Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami inaugurates paddy harvesting Promotion of Agriculturist and Agricultural Scientists: What Generous Does
While he was the Minister of Agriculture, Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami resolved the long long-clogged promotion problems of various research institutes and Department of Agricultural Extension. Besides, he regularized the jobs of many third and fourth class employees. Because of his generous heart, he took up these initiatives.

Extensive Visit at the root levels: Revolution in Agriculture Sector
As the Minister of Agriculture Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami brought life to the agricultural extension workers, scientists and farmers by his extensive visit at the grass root levels. As a result, a revolution was brought about in the agriculture sector.

Plantation of Fruit-trees: Something that No One Did before
According to the will of Maulana Nizami, fruit tree plantation, for the first time, was separately prioritized in the National Tree Plantation Programme and the programme was celebrated for weeks. This programmes is in existence to date.

Changing the Designation of Block Supervisor: A Successful Initiative
During the tenure of the Maulana Nizami the initiative of changing the designation of bloc supervisors to Sub-assistant Officers was taken.

Soil Quality Testing: A Smart Initiative
While he was the Minister of Agriculture Maulana Nizami took the initiative to expand the activities of the Soil Resource Development Institute. As a result of which, it was possible to test soil quality across the country and a manual for land and soil resources was prepared for the Upazila level.

Increase Production of Maize and Jute: Compassion for Farmers
Maulana Nizami gave directions take up necessary programmes to massively increase the cultivation of maize and jute. As a result, plenty of maize and jute are being cultivated in the country at present. At that time, the farmers also received justified price for those two types crops.

Expanding the Activities of Barendra Multipurpose Authority
In line with the directions of Maulana Nizami the activities of Barendra Multipurpose Authority was expanded to other parts of the northern districts going beyond Rajshahi, Naogaon and Chapainawabganj.